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Fall Prevention Made Easy - ProHeal-Products

Fall Prevention Made Easy

There's nothing scarier than having your loved ones or patients trip as they attempt a walk about or fall out of their bed or seat. But standing by their side 24/7 isn't a practical option either.

Below we will present a solution to fall prevention and tips to prevent falls. 

How to Keep Dementia Patients in Bed at Night?

Restraints are the least favorable and extreme method of limiting a patient's movement; that's why it is only used in drastic situations. Here are two safer and less drastic mediums that will ensure a secure patient setting:

  1. Fall Prevention Mattress
  2. Fall Prevention Bed Alarms 


Fall Prevention Mats

Patient roll-outs are, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Besides fall prevention bed rails that transform a bed into a secure surface, a fall prevention mat is a fantastic option to cushion a patient in case they fall. ProHeal sells a range of mats, bi-fold foam mats, tri-fold foam mats, and beveled edge mats



Bed Alarm for Dementia Patients

Dementia bed alarms provide real-time care for caregivers and loved ones. Attached to a bed, chair, or floor sensor, the alarm notifies the caregiver if the patient is trying to move unwittingly out of their bed or chair. In general, there are two types of fall-prevention bed alarms:

  1. Motion Sensor Alarm sounds when the weight is shifted or applied to the sensor pad. 
  2. Magnet Alarm sounds when the patient pulls away from the alarm, disconnecting the magnet attached to the alarm.

Both bed alarms for dementia patients have their benefits, depending on the scenario to decide which is best for you. 


Bottom Line

While patient falls can be a disastrous occurrence, there are practical and safe ways to protect your loved ones from any such injuries. Bed rails, fall mats, and bed alarms are all cost-effective and functional ways to ensure safe and secure care. 





Previous article Medacure Bed: Comfort and Support for All Patients
