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Hospital Beds & Mattresses

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Hospital Beds & Mattresses: A Comprehensive Guide for Better Care

We at ProHeal Products understand the importance of a good night's sleep, particularly when it comes to healing and recuperation. Hospital beds and mattresses play a crucial role in patient comfort, prevention of pressure ulcers, and effective healthcare delivery. In this article, we'll explore the different types of hospital beds and mattresses we offer, how to choose the right one, and the role they play in patient recovery.

Importance of Hospital Beds and Mattresses

Hospital beds and mattresses aren't just about providing a place to rest. They play an integral role in the recovery process. For patients who are bedridden or have limited mobility, the right bed and mattress can make all the difference. Can you imagine spending most of your day in an uncomfortable bed? Doesn't sound pleasant, does it?

Pressure Relief

A high-quality mattress helps distribute body weight evenly, reducing the risk of pressure sores and ulcers. It's an essential consideration for patients who spend long hours in bed.

Enhanced Comfort

Our mattresses are designed to provide maximum comfort, which can significantly improve sleep quality and promote faster healing.

Improved Patient Care

Hospital beds with adjustable features can make patient care more manageable and efficient for healthcare providers.

Understanding the Types of Hospital Beds

At ProHeal Products, we offer a variety of hospital beds tailored to different needs. Let's delve into each type.

Full-Electric Hospital Beds

These beds offer complete electric control of head, foot, and height adjustments. The patient can easily adjust the bed's position with a handheld remote, promoting independence and comfort.

Semi-Electric Hospital Beds

Semi-electric beds have electric control for head and foot position adjustments but manual control for height adjustments. They're a cost-effective option that still provides a high level of comfort.

Ultra Low Full Electric Hospital Bed 

Moreover, its ultra-low design helps mitigate the risk of injuries from falls, making it an excellent choice for patients with mobility challenges. With easy-to-use controls and high-quality construction, this bed provides a secure and comfortable healing environment for all patients.

Selecting the Right Hospital Mattress

Choosing the right mattress is just as important as choosing the right bed.

Foam Mattresses

Foam mattresses are lightweight and cost-effective. They're designed to distribute weight evenly, helping prevent pressure ulcers.

Gel Mattresses

Gel Mattresses deliver ultimate comfort and pressure relief. Their unique gel-infused design evenly distributes weight, reduces pressure points, and keeps patients cool, promoting healing and restful sleep.

Sizing and Fit

Before you buy, consider the bed's size and how it will fit in your space. Our beds come in various sizes, ensuring that you can find the perfect fit for your needs.

Enhancing Comfort and Safety with Bed Accessories

Hospital bed accessories can significantly enhance patient comfort and safety. At ProHeal Products, we offer a range of accessories designed to complement our hospital beds and mattresses.

Overbed Tables

Overbed tables offer a convenient surface for meals, reading, or other activities. They can be easily adjusted to fit the height of the bed.


Our cushions provide added comfort and support, helping to prevent pressure sores and enhance patient comfort.

Fall Mats

Fall mats are placed beside the bed to reduce injury risk in the event of a fall. They're an essential safety measure, particularly for patients with a high fall risk.


Our hospital bed covers are designed to protect the mattress from spills and stains while ensuring patient comfort.


Bed alarms alert caregivers when a patient tries to get out of bed without assistance, helping to prevent falls and other accidents.


Hospital bed rails provide a secure grip for patients, aiding in movement and preventing falls from the bed.

Adjustable Alternating Pressure Overlay

This accessory can significantly improve comfort and reduce the risk of pressure sores by alternating pressure points on the mattress.

Remember, choosing the right accessories can make a world of difference in patient comfort and safety. We're here to help you find the best solutions for your needs.


Investing in a high-quality hospital bed and mattress can make a significant difference in a patient's comfort and recovery process. At ProHeal Products, we offer a variety of options to ensure you find the perfect fit for your needs.


  • What's the difference between a full-electric and semi-electric hospital bed? Full-electric beds have electric controls for all adjustments, while semi-electric beds have manual controls for height adjustments.
  • Which mattress is best for preventing pressure ulcers? Low air loss mattresses are particularly effective in preventing and treating pressure ulcers due to their adjustable air-filled chambers.
  • Can I use a regular mattress on a hospital bed? It's recommended to use a mattress designed for hospital beds as they are made to fit perfectly and cater to the specific needs of patients.
  • What sizes do hospital beds come in? Hospital beds come in various sizes. At ProHeal Products, we have the size that will fit your space and meet your needs.
  • How often should a hospital mattress be replaced? The lifespan of a hospital mattress can vary based on usage and quality. Regular inspection for signs of wear and tear can help determine when it's time for a replacement.

ProHeal's line of Hospital and Home Care Accessories is a premium array of medical products. Designed with durable and reliable materials, our products are preferred by nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and caregivers.

ProHeal is committed to providing premium and reliable products, with excellent customer service, to our clients for over 40 years. Rely on us for all your home care needs. Give us a call if you have any questions: 772-776-4325